
Age: 3.8-7
When: Monday, Tuesdays, Wednesdays
Time: 9:30-3:30 (before/after care available)
Cost: $78/day
1 Educator to every 5 Students
Cost per term is based on number of days in that term

What to Expect:

This is our youngest full day group! These kiddos engage in meaningful play - all day! Our educators guide and nurture their natural curiosities and help to inspire them to be confident, independent, and kind humans. We facilitate long stretches of purposeful play which follows our beliefs that play should be:

  • Freely chosen and self-directed

  • Where the process is more important than the product

  • Where adults do not dictate or structure the outcome of the play

  • Should be intrinsically motivated by the children involved

If you are interested in learning more about the importance of play for the crucial development of young children - check out Peter Grey, Outdoor Play Canada

To find out when to register for the next term, head to: Upcoming Registration Dates