What is “Risky play”?

Who do I inform about my child leaving public school one day per week?

“Risky Play is the term first described by Norwegian Researcher, Ellen Sandseter and includes six specific characteristics: playing at great heights, at speed, with dangerous tools, near dangerous elements, with rough and tumble, having the opportunity to get lost/disappear. These elements have been associated with increased risk management benefits for children who learn to negotiate their environment, decisions and actions. The concept of risky play seems counter intuitive to the traditional approach to injury prevention yet, the current approach may have unanticipated and negative consequences for physical inactivity and general health outcomes.”


Once you have registered for a school-year program at TFA, we encourage you to do the following:
- Inform your child's classroom teacher that they will be absent every (ex.Thursday) to attend Forest School.
- Give them the Classroom Teacher Communication Sheet from TFA
- Inform the secretary or head office admin about your child's pre-determined absences and that they are attending an alternative learning program on those days.

Does Forest School cover curriculum?

We do not assess students based on the Ontario Curriculum specific to a child’s grade.

Instead of 'covering' curriculum, we 'UNcover' parts of it! Students are inspired by the environment and nature around them, followed sometimes by provocations laid out by the educator, which are based on prior student interest. Their learning can take them in many directions that were not planned-for but are facilitated in the moment.

Students began asking questions about shelters and trying to build some out of sticks and branches. During that session or the following, some rope and a book about shelter building is laid out to help continue their learning journey about shelters.

A child may gravitate towards the new book, read it, ask to have it read to them, make a goal to build their own shelter and begin to think through ‘curriculum strands’ including measurement, creativity, problem solving, physical and skill ability, communication, cooperation, team work and more! They don't see it as something they are being taught, but rather something they are learning and more importantly experiencing, for themselves.

This is where the educator facilitates and encourages the learning by asking probing questions, such as "How tall will your shelter be? How many people do you want to fit inside? What will you build it out of? What could you use the rope for? Are there any tools that will help you with this project? Have you made a plan? How can you make it strong? Does it need to be strong? Why or why not?"

This type of learning opportunity benefits their thinking processes, problem solving, and confidence during their time outside of TFA. Students may also reach for goals and curriculum strands that are beyond their current grade. We encourage all streams and avenues of learning, because we are not restricted by assessment of specific learning expectations.

How important is their clothing, or layering?

EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Sir Ranulph Fiennes once said, "There is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing". If a child is encouraged to spend the day outside, but starts to sweat, gets wet, has cold fingers and toes, and is generally uncomfortable, they will start to associate that feeling with their experience in nature. It is very possible to spend and entire day outside in Canadian weather and enjoy every minute of it, but only when some basic layering and quality of clothing rules are applied. Upon registration, you will be sent a comprehensive gear and layering list. Also check out our Gear & Apparel Suggestions for assistance in getting started.

Does my child receive a grade or get assessed on their learning?

Forest School is an alternative way of learning. Therefore the outcomes and methods are alternative as well. We give the children space and time to learn at their own pace and in their own creative way. We use the natural environment to peak their curiosity and where necessary, we set out resources or tools to aid in facilitating that learning journey. We provide families who are enrolled, access to learning stories throughout the term to highlight video and photo footage of the learning that has been taking place through conversations, observations and products.