
Age: 7-12
When: Thursdays
Time: 9:30-3:30 (before/after care available)
Cost: $78/day
Ratio: 1 Educator to every 6 students

What to Expect:

This youth group begins each morning at fire circle asking the students what they would like to do for the day? From this, we break into smaller groups based on interests. Sometimes it’s a project they are picking up from the previous week, sometimes it’s an imaginative game they want peers to join in on, sometimes it’s quiet reflection and artistic outlets. We tell stories, play games, do science projects, nature identification - you name it! Always at the interest of the child. Our job as educators is to foster a LOVE of learning, and we do this by providing opportunities and experiences for students to explore their interests, how they learn, and where their learning can take them.

To find out when to register for the next term, head to: Upcoming Registration Dates