Our Team of Mentors at TFA!

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Whitney Glage

- Owner/Founder
- Certified Teacher, OCT
- Certified Forest School Practitioner, through Forest School Canada (www.childnature.ca)

“From a very young age, I have always gravitated towards learning alongside children. Their natural curiosities and innocent admiration for the world around us is humbling and inspiring to be around. Throughout my life I have run multiple programs encouraging play and outdoor learning for children including businesses, day camps, Summer Adventure Programs, After-School Kids clubs, sports, and more. I have spent other parts of my professional life working for farms, tree planting, working on the water, coaching, and as labour for various outdoor endeavours. I’m not afraid of hard work and the physical and mental benefits, which that work provides! When I’m not working, my personal hobbies include all things spent outdoors! Whether it’s gardening, managing trails, camping/canoeing/hiking, tour biking, or just spending time outdoors with my husband, Kyle, my daughter, Hollis, and my dog, Dalwhinnie, I’m up for anything!

I achieved my Bachelor of Arts – Honours from the University of Guelph in 2009 and in 2016 I decided to go back to school to achieve my Bachelor of Education. After 4 placements, I graduated First Class in June 2018 and became a Certified Teacher through the Ontario College of Teachers.  I achieved this, in part, to gain a better understanding and insight into how the public-school system works, what it is doing well, and how I could fill the gaps to facilitate children’s learning in the most holistic and meaningful ways. I was fortunate to spend one of my placements at an outdoor school which gave me first-hand exposure to the benefits of smaller class sizes, playful educators, long stretches of creative time, and a lot of outdoor connection. 

Finally, in September 2018, I became a Certified Forest School Practitioner through Forest School Canada/Child and Nature Alliance of Canada. All this to say that I am always learning in many ways and from many people. I am passionate about giving children the time and space to learn who they are and how they learn, and to always keep the goal of nurturing a child’s natural curiosity for learning at the forefront of my own teaching practice.”

Lacie Marchand

“I have had the pleasure of spending the last decade working with students of all ages both privately and within school settings.  With a Bachelor of Musical Arts from Western Ontario (2013), my desire for further training led me to Alberta to complete a Masters in Music (2015) at the University of Calgary.  As a music specialist, educating comes in many shapes and forms from directing ensembles to instrument specific training, and discovering sounds and rhythms just to name a few.  Much like the diversity of outdoor education, the possibilities of music and sound exploration are ever changing, and as an educator this is one of my favourite aspects of working with children for their imaginative discovery has no boundaries.  Traversing different soundscapes with sound walks, creating new instruments and discovering songs in nature are just a couple of ways music and the environment are interwoven.  

After spending 5 years hiking/camping/ canoeing and snowshoeing through the rockies, I relocated back to Ontario to raise a tiny human of my own with my husband, and joined the TFA family in the fall of 2019.  As a new mother discovering different ways of sharing my passion for the outdoors and music with tiny humans has become a large focus, and being part of the team at TFA is truly a highlight of my week.” 


Kendra Masson

  • Year Round Mentor at TFA

  • Ski Instructor/Nature Enthusiast

“Hello! As someone who grew up in nature as much as possible, my parents encouraged a keen eye and strong respect for nature. In 2000, at 17, I became an Ontario Ranger, and spent a summer near Sault Ste Marie, maintaining portage trails and working in Ontario Parks.  It was a long time ago, but a life altering experience.  I went to Algonquin College in 2002-2003, for the Adventure Naturalist program, designed to train wilderness guides with a focus on ecotourism.  After which, I spent two summers guiding around Algonquin park, and my winters with the Ski Patrol and teaching at Mt St Louis, Moonstone. I love mixing my love of drawing, crafts, and photography into my guests' experience. I've spent the last 11 years raising our two kids in and around Ottawa, before moving back to Springwater Township in 2017.  In that time I have remained passionate about nature, always on the look out for a new bird species, new place to paddle or a new wilderness experience. We've taken our kids camping since they were babies, and they've been on back country canoe and hiking overnight trips. Now, back in Springwater and I'm teaching skiing again!  And with TFA, I have the opportunity to share my passion for nature with your children too!”

Kristine MannioN

  • Year Round Mentor at TFA

  • Certified Teacher, OCT

  • Music Specialist

" I am very excited to be a part of Tiny Forest Academy! I have been involved in outdoor and arts education for my whole working life. I have a Bachelor of Education and a Bachelor of Fine Arts (music and drama) from York University and a year of Wildlife Biology from McGill University. I spent 10 years managing and delivering the Heritage Education programming at Georgian Bay Islands National Park (Beausoleil Island), leading guided hikes, outdoor theatre programs and school programs. I then started a family and have three wonderful children. I explored alternative education options for all of my children, all of whom were homeschooled for many years, and have also been in traditional schools.

While raising our kids, my husband and I started the Midland School of Music, where I led music classes for babies and toddlers (and their caregivers) As covid changed our ability to do that, I am really looking forward to being able to do these kind of classes again in the forest setting! I also taught drama classes for a number of years at the Midland Cultural Centre, through Huronia Players. I am passionate about standing up for the rights of children and always being kind. I look forward to being able to get to know many new families through my time at the Tiny Forest Academy."

Katy MacKay

  • School Year Mentor at TFA

  • Nature Enthusiast

“The great outdoors has always been my happy place. It calms me, inspires me and sparks a natural curiosity that makes me feel like a kid again. I grew up in Tiny Township and was blessed to be surrounded by some outstanding natural areas with endless opportunities to explore and learn. Those experiences shaped me as a person and are what led me to pursue a career in outdoor education.

 I achieved my Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Biology from University of Guelph in 2011 and have worked as a naturalist and outdoor educator with both Ontario and Alberta Parks for close to 10 years, leading a wide variety of interpretive and recreation-based programming. In 2021, after 10 years of living in Alberta, my husband and I made the decision to move back to Ontario to raise our family.

Exploring with my own son has reinforced my belief that children are the best teachers. They teach us to be in the moment, challenge ourselves, and see things from a different perspective. I am constantly inspired by their ability to inquire about the world around them without hesitation. I look forward to supporting and learning alongside the students at TFA as they explore, challenge and discover their own passions and interests.”

Mak Soden

  • Summer/Occasional Mentor at TFA

  • Birding Enthusiast

    “I love teaching outdoors! It’s like one giant classroom that allows room for exploration, growth, learning, and fun. It connects to everybody, and gives us the opportunity to learn and grow at our own pace. I also enjoy birds quite a bit and any opportunity I have to share and connect students with the outdoors using a bird(s) as a theme gives me so much joy!”

Matt McManee

  • Year Round Lead Mentor at TFA

  • Certified Teacher, OCT

“I joined Tiny Forest academy in September of 2019 and am so thankful I did.  I truly feel like it's some of the most rewarding work I have done in my career.  Although it was a while ago, my university studies were focused on geography, biology and environmental management and then followed by teachers college.  This started me on a path outdoor education and for years I worked at camps, guiding companies, outdoor education centers and even wilderness focused centers for youth in custody and youth with addictions.  I have seen first hand the value and effect of connecting with nature and its power to provide.  Outdoors is the only classroom where students can come back to the same place week after week and discover something different every time they come.  In my opinion, any day spent outside is a day well spent!”

Robyn Daykin

  • Lead Mentor at TFA (ON MAT LEAVE)

  • Certified Teacher, OCT

  • Certified Forest School Practitioner

“I am so excited to be a part of this team! I graduated from Wilfrid Laurier University with a degree in Global Studies and English, and then completed my Bachelor of Education at the University of Toronto. After teaching in different settings, it was working as an Environmental Educator at the Tiny Marsh Provincial Wildlife Area that made me decide that teaching children outdoors is where I want to be! I have since completed the course to become a certified Forest and Nature School Practitioner through Forest School Canada. I am thankful to have this opportunity to teach and learn alongside your children, and to be a part of helping them to develop an intimate connection with nature. In my free time, you can usually find me hiking, snowshoeing, or camping. Hope to see you in the forest!”

Danielle Mchugh

  • Year Round Mentor at TFA

  • Certified ECE

  • ‘Big Sister’ with Big Brother/Big Sister Program

“Hello! My name is Danielle McHugh, I was born and raised in Penetanguishene and am so excited to share my experiences in the outdoors with each one of your children. I am a very dedicated and caring person with 10+ years of experience and a good understanding of child psychology & development. My experience includes; Facilitator at Wildflower Nature Day home, pet care/nannying, lunch/recess supervision and Educational Assistant at local elementary schools.  

I am devoted to helping children think creatively, solve problems effectively, immerse themselves into free emergent play, and teach them how to respect themselves, others and nature.  

In my free time I enjoy being active, you can find me walking dogs, hiking at local trails or at the local CrossFit gym. I also run my own pet care business on the side as I am so passionate about animals and their wellbeing.”

Kait Byrick

  • Year Round Mentor at TFA

  • Lifelong nature lover and learner

“Hi! I’m Kait and I’m so excited to be on the TFA team. I grew up in Midland and moved back to the area with my family in 2019. I’ve spent much of my life working in and enjoying the outdoors -from working as a camp counsellor and Ontario Ranger, to tree planting, and running a hobby farm full of critters. I earned a Bachelors of Science in Biology and Environmental Science from Trent University in 2004 and worked as a wildlife field technician for a number of years in Ontario, Alberta and Tanzania. Ask me how it feels to be chased by an elephant or what the inside of a wolf den looks like! 

I have two daughters, Juniper and Pippa, who both attend TFA and who have taught me so much about life and learning. The girl’s experience at forest school, combined with my own outdoor experience, has sparked my passion for outdoor learning, specifically within the forest school setting. I believe kids (and adults!) are at their best outside, where their bodies, minds, and souls have the space to move and grow.  I look forward to supporting the students of TFA while they create their own memories and hone their own skills that will last a lifetime”

Alex Bates

  • Summer/Occasional Mentor at TFA

  • Certified Teacher, OCT

“I love how teaching outdoors inspires curiosity, creative thinking, and hands-on learning among students! Hands-on experiences like making fires, collecting maple syrup, and designing bird feeders are what make learning fun and meaningful! I love the flexibility that teaching outdoors offers and how it positively impacts physical and mental well-being! I enjoy facilitating an environment in which students are encouraged to be curious and investigate topics in nature that interest them! I’m so excited to be a part of your children’s outdoor learning journey this summer!”