A snowy morning, and a reading of "Compost Stew"!

A tour of TFA on this snowy morning, a reading of one of my favourite books to teach about what to compost (Earth Week this week!) and a challenge about our seedlings!


CHALLENGE: What do you notice about the lovely tray of seedling in this photo? Where is the sun coming from and which way are the plants leaning? Why do you think they are doing that? Just like our talks about what a fire needs for food, what do plants need to live?

So far in our seeding tray we have:
- Cantaloupe
- Watermelon
- Kale
- Cilantro
- Dill
- Basil
- Golden Beets
- Candy Stripe Beets

We will be adding more as the season gets warmer! Do you have a garden? Could you make a small one? What kind of plants are YOU growing?

Lacie has a Sound Walk challenge for you!

Lacie and her family venture into a nearby forest to listen to the sounds of nature and she has a challenge for you too!

Click HERE to download the below soundscape sheet for our younger learners.

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Click HERE to download the below soundscape sheet for our older learners!

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Below is an example of Lacie’s soundscape sheet she filled out while on her walk in the video! Send your photos of YOUR soundscapes, or a video to info@tinyforestacademy.ca and we’ll share with all our teachers who miss you all so much!
