
Age: 9-14
When: Fridays
Time: 9:30-3:30 (before/after care available)
Cost: $78/Day
Ratio: 1 Educator to every 8 Students

*Cost varies per term based on number of days

What to expect:

Students begin each school year discussing what skills and learning they would like to accomplish within their year. As all classes, they come up with a class agreement, a set of guidelines and rules that keep everyone safe, respected and respectful. Students and teachers co-create a plan for the term, allowing time for each skill to be nurtured/learned, as well as providing opportunities for leadership development, free-play, environmental stewardship, community engagement, and more. Each term is based on the needs of the class, with emphasis on communication, team work, and skill development.

To find out when to register for the next term, head to: Upcoming Registration Dates